Michelle & Eric

East Coast celebrations at the start of summer- there are few things better. So I'm grateful to have had the chance to shoot Michelle and Eric's gorgeous wedding a few weeks ago back in my home state of New Jersey!

It was held at the calm, beautiful Waterloo Village, with historical touches that punctuated every aspect of the day. M&E clearly put love and thought into many details, including handwritten notes transferred onto the bottom of her shoes, his NJ Devils socks, and the floral arrangements made by her kindergarten students! It was an honor to shoot such a sweet, happy day!

Corazon & Mark

Those of us who are lucky enough to work in Northern California are spoiled by a wealth of beautiful sites. Cora & Mark's wedding took us (shoutout to Noah's superb 2nd shooting!) to a town on the coast in which I always wish I could spend more time- Monterey. The ultimate breath of fresh air. 

Against the iconic views and sweet downtown streets, Cora & Mark had an elegant, heartfelt, joyful wedding at The InterContinental-The Clement Monterey. The bride tried her hardest to hold back happy tears, but her bright smile shined through all day and made it abundantly clear how happy these two are together. Surrounded by cheers-ing friends and loving family, I feel like we had the chance to document a truly special day.

Bernal Hill Couple Shoot

Ashley and Julien are friends of mine who wanted some nice photos without the hoopla of a big engagement shoot. So we got a beer and took a walk around Bernal Hill, which is a pretty damn good way to spend an afternoon. 

All photographs © Kara Brodgesell

Melanie & Dave

My husband and I were married after knowing each other for just over 3 years (which I feel stellar about, for the record). But it always feels like something special to photograph the wedding of a couple who has been together for a long time. Like Melanie and Dave here, who have us beat by over double the number of years! 

These two met in college and have clearly grown together and been strengthened as a couple over time. They were so natural and happy together- it made the whole day a joy. And with a celebration set against the intimate, vibrant backdrop of Wildwood Acres Resort, we couldn't have asked for a better shoot. I'm so excited for Melanie and David and am thrilled to have spent such a special day with them!

Wedding Venue: Wildwood Acres Resort / Getting Ready Location: Lafayette Park Hotel    

All photographs © Kara Brodgesell

Crystal & Katie

These brides. These brides are the kind of people, with the kind of huge smiles and magnetic chemistry, who you want to be around on an average Saturday. So you can imagine just how much fun and love-filled their wedding day was.

There may have been some rain, and it may have affected the layout and flow of their event, but honestly I think that little detail will fade into the background with time (and that's largely due to the kick-ass planners and staff who turned the room like pros). What will surely last is the thought and effort put into their handmade details, the big laughter and happy tears from friends and family and the pure joy that ran through the day. It was an honor to witness and record it.

Below is a little preview from the many shots taken from the day. I was lucky to have my right-hand man (and soon-to-be husband!) shooting with and supporting me, so there are a few thousand to edit through. Whew!

Wedding Planners: Ah Ha Events / Wedding Venue: Benicia Historical Museum / Getting Ready Location: Shorelight Inn / DJ: Matt Haze / Second Photographer: Noah Christman

All photographs © Kara Brodgesell