Crystal & Katie

These brides. These brides are the kind of people, with the kind of huge smiles and magnetic chemistry, who you want to be around on an average Saturday. So you can imagine just how much fun and love-filled their wedding day was.

There may have been some rain, and it may have affected the layout and flow of their event, but honestly I think that little detail will fade into the background with time (and that's largely due to the kick-ass planners and staff who turned the room like pros). What will surely last is the thought and effort put into their handmade details, the big laughter and happy tears from friends and family and the pure joy that ran through the day. It was an honor to witness and record it.

Below is a little preview from the many shots taken from the day. I was lucky to have my right-hand man (and soon-to-be husband!) shooting with and supporting me, so there are a few thousand to edit through. Whew!

Wedding Planners: Ah Ha Events / Wedding Venue: Benicia Historical Museum / Getting Ready Location: Shorelight Inn / DJ: Matt Haze / Second Photographer: Noah Christman

All photographs © Kara Brodgesell